Comfort letters

Our comfort letters are generally issued directly from amspex global limited accounts

Comfort letters

Our comfort letters are generally issued directly from amspex global limited accounts from any selected accounts from a renowned and recognized financial institutions. This gives ‘comfort’ to a lender about their support for a subsidiary in the context of a finance transaction.
Comfort letters do not create rights over assets and, in most cases, they will not even be legally binding. If a comfort letter is legally binding, it will only create contractual rights. For this reason they are classified as quasi-security.

We issue comfort letters when our clients are:

Our comfort letters can vary widely in their effect and it is important for clients to be clear at the outset what kind of letter is being issued to them and whether it is intended to be legally binding upon the provider or not. Most comfort letters are not legally binding. It is very rare to come across a comfort letter that is intended to be legally binding, but amspex global limited can work to bind it.