Terms and conditions

IMPORTANT: By accessing this website and any of its pages you are agreeing to the terms set out below.

Use of this website and our online platforms (together our ‘Sites’) are permitted for personal, non-commercial purposes only. You may not copy or make commercial use of any of our Sites, their contents, or any processes underlying them without or prior written consent. The use of automated systems or software to extract data from our Sites for commercial purposes, including the use of screen scraping or similar techniques, is prohibited unless the third party has directly concluded a written licence agreement with us.

The Site is intended for those who access it from within Cyprus and anywhere around the world. Because of this we cannot guarantee that the Site or the information thereon complies with the law or regulation of all countries or regions, or is appropriate for use in yours. You are wholly responsible for the use of the Site by any person using your computer and you must ensure that any such person complies with these Terms.

AMSPEX GLOBAL LIMITED does not offer financial and insurance services or products through its use and operation of this website. Products or services on this Site do not constitute an offer or recommendation of any products or services provided by any of the members. The information provided on this Site is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation. This Site should not be considered as communicating any invitation or inducement to engage in banking, Insurance, or investment activity or any offer to buy or sell any product/securities or other instruments in a region that does not allow such activity.

Not all the products and services that you may be able to view via this Site may be available in all geographical locations served by AMSPEX GLOBAL LIMITED. You should access only the Local Site(s) associated with your country or region of residence (“Your Local Site”). If you own products that are not detailed on Your Local Site, information about such products may be accessible through contacting our specialists here in Cyprus. Products and services detailed outside Your Local Site may not be available in your jurisdiction of residence and may not be appropriate for you. It is the responsibility of any persons accessing this Site and any information available through this Site to inform himself or herself of and to observe fully the applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. Amspex Global Limited may decline to provide you with products and services solely based on your country or region of residence.

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